
It is ironic, is not it?

Irony is present in most people's life. Sometimes you do just for joking with friends, but be carefull... Nothing overused is good for us and people around us  it can turn into a addiction and it is not funny.  There is an advice: It's not polite answer your boss or your superior with irony, unless you want to be unemployed.  Thank you for reading! May the force be with you, guys! Bye


Hideaway  Loneliness Dark, scary Shut up, hide, isolate When you don't fit the standards, it's inevitable  Seclusion Joy Pleasure Funny, graceful Run, thank, live The smile is the perfect representation of joy Delight Darling Passion Sweet, complicated Hug, care, feel The true love appears after the biggest storms Infatuation Thank you for reading! May the force be with you, guys! Bye

A little bit of health

Hello Guys! This week, I interviewed some friends about concepts of health and If they would consider themselves a health person.  The questions were: • Do you know the 5 types of health? (mental, social, physical, cognitive and spiritual) • Which one of these 5 types is the most important? And the less? • Do you consider yourself a health person? • Do you practice any sport during the week?  • Which one of the 5 types of health do you consider the most important? And the less? •  Would you do any change in your habits to improve your health? I interviewed 11 friends and the answers in general are similar: •8 friends said they knew the 5 types of health; •The majority agreeded that the mental one maintains all the others in control. The less importants are: physical and spiritual; •9 friends considered themselves health because they are happy with the actual state of their body and mind; •only two of the people interviewed said that don't practice any kind of sports; •6 friends sai

First Blog

Hello guys, I'm Gabriel Ribeiro de Sales, a Cotuca's survivor and this is my first blog (I'd never thought about doing it). So, I'm 15 years old and my physical age doesn't match with my mental age ( sometimes I will make you remember it, don't worry). If I start to like doing this you`ll have to bear me. To start, I will list somethings I like to do:  •Listen to musics (folk and classical musics) •Play cello (I started to sudy it when I was 10 years old) •Read some books (althought, I have no more time to do it regularly) •Study history and physics (This school subject I study cause I`m really interested in) •Hang out with friends (I often go to the park with them)  This is all for today, but I promisse you will meet me better with the time (I hope) and I will show you how is my routine and how I try to maintain my social life even being a high school student. :) May the force be with you, guys!  Bye