First Blog

Hello guys,

I'm Gabriel Ribeiro de Sales, a Cotuca's survivor and this is my first blog (I'd never thought about doing it). So, I'm 15 years old and my physical age doesn't match with my mental age ( sometimes I will make you remember it, don't worry). If I start to like doing this you`ll have to bear me.

To start, I will list somethings I like to do: 

•Listen to musics (folk and classical musics)

•Play cello (I started to sudy it when I was 10 years old)

•Read some books (althought, I have no more time to do it regularly)

•Study history and physics (This school subject I study cause I`m really interested in)

•Hang out with friends (I often go to the park with them)

 This is all for today, but I promisse you will meet me better with the time (I hope) and I will show you how is my routine and how I try to maintain my social life even being a high school student. :)

May the force be with you, guys! 



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