A little bit of health

Hello Guys!

This week, I interviewed some friends about concepts of health and If they would consider themselves a health person. 

The questions were:

• Do you know the 5 types of health? (mental, social, physical, cognitive and spiritual)

• Which one of these 5 types is the most important? And the less?

• Do you consider yourself a health person?

• Do you practice any sport during the week? 

• Which one of the 5 types of health do you consider the most important? And the less?

•  Would you do any change in your habits to improve your health?

I interviewed 11 friends and the answers in general are similar:

•8 friends said they knew the 5 types of health;

•The majority agreeded that the mental one maintains all the others in control. The less importants are: physical and spiritual;

•9 friends considered themselves health because they are happy with the actual state of their body and mind;

•only two of the people interviewed said that don't practice any kind of sports;

•6 friends said they consider themselves health cause they are happy with the actual state of their body and mind;

• However, all of them think they have to change their eating habits and have a better contact with the sociality outside Cotuca cause they are more than a half of their days at school. 

In my opinion, I think I'm not healthy because I need to be more sociable, practice sports and eat more vegetables that I normally eat. I've known the 5 types of health on English Classes at Cotuca, but I think all of these types are Important to have a balanced life. 

The interviewees and their ages were: Beatriz (15); Miguel (15); Gabrielle (15); Murilo (17); Airton (15); Rafaela (16); Thaís (17); Gabriel (17); Henrique (15); Guilherme (15) and Mateus (15). 

So, it's all for today! 

Thank U, reader! 

May the force be with you, guys!


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